Main Objective, Process and Methods of 360 Performance Evaluation!

For evaluate the performance of every employee, multinational companies and different organizations are used to check the overall performance. These companies always used the 360 degree assessment tool. This is only done by using the 360 Degree Feedback form. This feedback form will provide with the information, and then they need of all aspects of the performance of an employee. This performance evaluation form used to decide whether an employee should receive a promotion or possibly more training. 360 Performance Evaluation is an effective way of assessing the performance of employees in the place of work. This is used for assessing the employee performance which covers the organizational skills, intellect skill and their relationship with others and their business achievements, business growth and future goals, as well as many other factors.

In simple word, the 360 Degree Performance Review is conceded out by a member of organization or someone in a position higher than the person assessed. Self evaluation is the form of performance evaluation.

 The main Objectives of personal evaluation:-

Employee Confirmations: This idea for evaluate the performance of employee which against the expectations while the individual joined; and they find out if he is ready to be confirmed as a permanent employee.

Employee Promotions & Compensation: Here the employee assessment gives a clear approaching on whether the individual is ready for taking up bigger responsibility and linking the performance to the percentage increase in compensation.

Need for Training and Development: Performance evaluation and performance dialogues identify those areas which needs improvement in an individual/group and suggests action plans to address these gaps through Training and Development.

Employee Feedback & Grievances: The appraisal is also used as a platform to understand the factors that contributed towards deviation from expected performance and understanding the support the employee requires in to meet future expectations.

The process of performance evaluation is as following:-

Step-1:  Objective Definition of Appraisal

Step -2: Establish the expectation of job

Step-3:  Appraisal the Program Design

Step-4:  Evaluate the performance

Step-5: Set the dialogue of performance

Step -6: Final data for action

Some Current Performance Appraisal Methods:

Assessment Centers: This is a method of performance review that was first developed and used as early as 1943 in countries like USA & UK. The objective of this method is to put employees in simulated environments that require employees to display behaviors and patterns that are typical of a working environment in order to gauge employee performance.

360 degree Feedback: This technique gives a broader perspective to the developmental plan of the individual and allows them a 360 degree performance appraisal. Some of the areas that can be appraised through this technique are interpersonal skills, customer service skills, meeting time lines etc.